Choose by Faith Not Feelings

The First Lady’s Hat with Lady Hart

It’s easy to make bad decisions when we get into our feelings! That’s why we are encouraged to walk by faith instead of sight! Believe it or not, feelings being a part of our sensor neural experience, place it in the category of “sight” (being the same type of experience).

Feelings are deceptive! they cause us to believe things that are not true and we make rash, or even worse, irrational decisions based on those feelings. Feelings are often related to whatever circumstance we are going through at the moment… so, when circumstances change so do our feelings. Believe it or not, feelings also lead to fear because of how unstable they make us!

That’s why we have to “trust in the Lord with all our heart and don’t depend on our own understanding of things” Instead have faith enough to make a decision based on the knowledge, word, and promises of God! His word is sure, so your internal relationship with God will and should supersede our external feelings of circumstance.

I know how easy it is to allow a decision to be overruled by my feelings and at the same time have to set an example for my daughters, parishioners, and the community at large. Trust & believe me, it is not a good look! Our walk is such a delicate balance!

If you are a woman married to the Pastor/Minister join me in saying and believing this short prayer…

God today allow my faith to be bigger than my feelings so that I can see clearly the choices that you want me to make. Amen
~ Lady Hart
Many Blessings
#ladyhart #firstlady  #thefirstladyshat #ministrywife
@ladyofharts @ladyofharts1

What is a First Lady Anyway?

As defined by the Marriam-Webster Dictionary a “First Lady” is

  1. the wife or hostess of the chief executive of a country or jurisdiction
  2. the leading woman of an art or profession

It is a term that is used within many churches as a term of respect to the woman that is married to “The Senior Pastor” of a church.

There is no biblical reference to the term “First Lady”.

There is no official office within the Christian Church that denotes what the responsibilities of a “First Lady” are.

Personally I do not know when the term started or who started it.
I started going to church when I was 10 years old and every Pastor that had a wife referred to her as the “First Lady”.

When my husband became a Pastor I became a “First Lady”.

The Truth Is YOU CANNOT DEFINE A  “FIRST LADY”. We are like snow flakes… no two alike!

What I Do Know Is:

  • I received the title “First Lady” based on who I was married to
  • People respected me as “First Lady” but I had not earned it
  • There was a preconceived notion that I magically knew more then those who had been formally trained in theology.
  • The expectation level for the “First Lady” was unreal and cannot be achieved
  • I was automatically given leadership responsibility

Some will argue that because there is no biblical basis for a “First Lady” that the role does not exist.
I BEG TO DIFFER! My personal experiences tell me other wise  and if you are one this site I am sure yours do too!

There is a place in the church  for women like me and you and we have a role to play… each one different and the same.
Some of us a laid back, some introverted and shy, some talented out of this world, some educated, some not so much… some of us like being at the church and some of us prefer to stay at home… it doesn’t matter what kind of “hat” you wear the fact is that you got one!

Welcome to the First Lady’s Hat!